
Fretboards has been around since 1980.

The owner, Jeff, has been been involved with music since a young child, for some members of his family were of professional status in the industry.  The music passion started with singing shortly after learning to talk.  When he was seven he started playing violin. After three years of lessons with the lead violinist of the London Symphony, Mr. Byron, Jeff went on to concentrate on singing.  In 1970 he started his love of guitar which has never diminished.


At a MIAC Show in 1979, Jeff met Jean Larrivee and after at least an hour conversation, Jeff’s interest in repair and building guitars was awakened.  but it wasn’t until 2007 Jeff invested in his interest of guitar building and repairing, studying under Tony Karol of Karol Guitars, for a year. He quickly realized his strengths lay in repairing guitars and that is the direction Fretboards has taken, to honestly evaluate a situation and suggest a solid course of action to remedy the problem.

Please contact us with any questions you may have concerning your best musical friend, your guitar.


He’s been teaching music since 1977. In the late 90’s he became a secondary school teacher. By 2015 Jeff was fully immersed in teaching music to special needs teens in the Secondary School System.

In 2017, he started teaching guitar to Vets around the world using the internet. Presently he is using multi cameras to allow the online students to see his hands more clearly and mimic his positions with more ease.

The lessons are customized for each student taking private lessons. Please contact us with any questions you may have concerning your passion, music and how to augment your knowledge and ability.